We Bring human to human relief in Times of need.

Help Ukraine Personally (in short: HUP) aids those who flee from war zones by assisting in transportation, settling and gaining traction within Dutch society.

Improving the lives of people in need.

HUP works to protect asylum seekers and refugees by providing personal support and advocacy for their admission, reception, and participation in society, primarily in the Netherlands; and provides humanitarian aid and relief to war torn areas, specifically Ukraine.






Team Members

What you can do to support Ukrainians in need?

Contribute to our cause
Support by donating to the HUP foundation.

Your donations will directly go to the refugee families. HUP is a strictly non-profit organization.

Host Ukrainians at your home (or elsewhere).

Become a host, meet incredible people, join a community, and support refugees in The Netherlands.

Sign up
Deliver (bulk) goods to a collection point.

Joining a trip to Poland where we drop off essential humanitarian supplies on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

Sign up
Assist us through supply and logistics.

From transportation of medical services to education and mental health. Help people in need.

Sign up

Learn more about us through our mission and vision.

Mission & Vision

Listen to an interview on Dutch radio with two HUP founders.

'Spijkers met Koppen' on Radio2 (March 19th 2022)